1. Matt Ruppert filled in today as President.  Ed Shockley is still recovering from shoulder surgery.
2. Tracey Yamamoto filled in today as Sargeant-at Arms for Aaron McDermid.  Tracey thought everyone was too well-behaved today but she caught a bunch of people with no Rotary pin on.
3. Rich Ward is going to attend the Rotary International Convention in Atlanta.  He is a member of a Rotary RV interest group that plans to travel the region around Atlanta before the convention.
4. Jared Gibbs noted that his insurance agency is holding an office mixer on Friday, April 14 and all Rotarians are invited to attend.
5. Ron Knies is leaving us now for the summer.  He will travel with their camper from May through September and then go on a Pacific cruise to Hawaii, Tahiti, Samoa, etc.  He will be back in November.
6. John Ewing won the drawing and $10 but drew the 3 of spades.  The pot was worth $91.50 today.  John passed the $10 along to Hailey for the Boys and Girls club.
7. Matt reminded us that we still need a President for 2017-18.