1. Today is the 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor.  President Ed asked all veterans to stand and identify their branch and when and where they served.  He thanked all the vets for their service to the country.
2. Anyone attending the club social at Beveridges needs to pay Tammy or Ed $20 per person to cover costs.  Ed handed out directions of how to get to Jack's home.
3. John Pennypacker (left) presented Jim Erickson with a Paul Harris Society pin and certificate.  Paul Harris Society members contribute $1,000 or more annually to the Rotary Foundation Annual Fund, PolioPlus or approved Foundation grants.
4. Tracey Yamamoto handed out packets of drawing tickets to be sold for the Golf Tournament.  There are 20 tickets in a pack that sell for $5 each.
5. Mike Dungan brought us the News of the Day.
6. Aaron McDermid our Sargeant at Arms raised some funds "for the children".
7. The drawing was worth $173 today. Alex Blais won the $10 and put it back in the fines pot.  Then he drew the 5 of diamonds so the pot continues to grow.