Posted by Robert Homann on May 17, 2017
1. Club member Murray Hiatt has written a book - "The Ghost of Tabby Mountain".  It is available on Amazon if you would like to oder a copy.
2. President Ed reminded us of the District Conference in Flagstaff in June.  We have 6-7 members who plan on going.
3. President Ed called the membership into a Club Assembly.  Jay Jones then presented two motions:
       To approve the revised version of the Club Constitution as distributed by email.  The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
       To approve the revised version of the Club By-Laws as distributed by email.  The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
Jay will post a link to the documents on our Club Runner web site.
4. Aaron McDermid did the Sargeant-at-Arms duty.
5. The drawing and $10 was won by Jay Jones.  The pot was worth $173 today.  Jay drew the 7 of hearts so the joker remains in the deck.